General E-class Photos

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Revision as of 18:49, 30 October 2023 by Pbcjohnston (talk | contribs) (Added photos)

Three photos that show an E-class submarine (which one is not clear) having her stern hoisted for repair work by the USS Sonoma (Fleet Tug No. 12). The date is approximately 1918. The work being performed on the back of the submarine appears to be on the starboard propeller. What is being done is unknown at this time, perhaps the propeller became fouled with rope or maybe fishing nets. The men are standing on the submarine's stern planes which must be slippery with hull growth and all the time these men are standing on a very precarious perch.

Seen leaning over the rail, just to the right of the standing man in civilian clothes, looking at what is going on with great interest, appears to be a flag officer, an Admiral.

Photos in the private collection of Ric Hedman

Both E-boats moored outboard of L-10 (SS-50) and L-4 (SS-43) with their crews topside for a photo opportunity, Newport News, VA., September 10, 1920.

Photo in the private collection of Ric Hedman

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Ric Hedman & David Johnston
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