Dolphin Conning Tower

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Revision as of 21:00, 15 June 2023 by Pbcjohnston (talk | contribs)

Conning Tower

The conning tower looking forward. The conning tower was a separate, horizontal watertight compartment situated above the control room. It contained one of the boat's periscope stations, a helm wheel, a navigation chart table, and torpedo firing controls. On the right is the #1 periscope. Just to the left of that at the top is the bridge access trunk. You can see daylight coming down the hatch.

In the center bottom is the access hatch from the control room. Directly above that on the forward bulkhead is the helm.

Between the hatch and the helm there appears to be a pedestal, painted black, with a square top on it. Its function is not known for sure. It is suspected to have been placed there for temporary storage during the upkeep. It was perhaps moved from the deck or bridge. Historian Jim Christley has theorized that this could be an early version of a Sperry Mark I Target Bearing Transmitter (TBT) that was mounted on the bridge. A TBT is used to aim torpedoes while the boat is surfaced. It is used in conjunction with a pair of 7x50 binoculars.

US Navy Photo Contributed by Roger Torgeson

Control Room, Pump Room, & Cold Storage Room | After Battery/Crew's Berthing & Messing

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Ric Hedman & David Johnston
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