
From PigBoats.COM
National Archives photo.
This photo was taken on February 8, 1911 shortly after G-1's launch. At this time she was named Seal. The doors in the superstructure for the trainable torpedo tubes can clearly be seen. Neither the periscope or the supporting shears have yet been added. The men on deck are all Newport News Shipbuilding or Lake company employees. This is the James River, just off Newport News, VA., looking to the west. Carrollton, VA. is in the background, with the entrance to the Nansemond River to the left.

Photo in the private collection of Ric Hedman.
The G-1 is seen here prior to her commissioning, probably in the summer of 1912 while running builder's trials. The location is likely somewhere in Hampton Roads, VA., likely in the James River near Newport News. The crew on deck seem to be mostly civilian with a few exceptions. It is hard to see detail due to the poor quality of the photo. There does seem to be an officer on the bow, second from the left and an enlisted man just to the right of the forward ventilator on the higher deck. They seem to be doing something requiring diving as the left most man is clearly stripped down for swimming and there seems to be a man handling a line or hose going over the side. There are deck chairs on the raised deck forward of the bridge. All of her hatches are open. Her name G-1 can been seen at the aft end of the superstructure.

National Archives photo
G-1 in drydock at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, October or November of 1912. The doors to the two superstructure mounted torpedo tubes are open. The forward tube in the superstructure can be seen to be rotated to port. The purpose of the clamshell-like doors on the aft hull is not known for sure. They may have provided access to ballast tank vent valves or superstructure piping. They would only be opened during a refit.
G-1 alongside the surrendered German submarine U-117. Photo was most likely taken at the Brooklyn Navy Yard early in 1919. The snowy conditions indicate January or February. Note the huge size disparity between the G-1 and the German minelaying boat.

The G-1 seen here circa February 1918 frozen solid into about 18 inches of ice on the Thames River at Submarine Base New London at Groton, CT. There are several other photos further down the page that shows other submarines frozen into the river at about the same time. There is another submarine on the other side of the pier. It is hard to say who it may be, but based on the arrangement of the periscopes it might be the G-2. The arch seen in the background behind the G-1 periscopes looks to be a snow covered hillside not the Gold Star Bridge which hadn't been built at that time.

G-2 & G-1 together circa 1915.
An H-class boat (possibly the H-1 or H-2) alongside the G-1 and another unknown submarine. Photo taken circa 1918, possibly at Submarine Base New London, CT.
G-1 getting underway from Submarine Base New London, CT. circa 1918.