
From PigBoats.COM
Revision as of 01:11, 28 February 2023 by Pbc captain (talk | contribs)

The USS G-2 during her fitting out phase of construction. She is probably pretty close to being completed by the time this photo was taken. The small deck over the torpedo tube outer door has not been installed at this time. There is a man working over the side on the starboard side. He has his feet on a scaffolding board slung over the side and is crouched down. There is another workman going over the port side of the hull and a man standing on the top of the conning tower.

The USS G-2 diving. The location is not certain but could be a selection of places where she conducted practice cruises that found her at Norfolk, Charleston, New York, Newport, and Provincetown. The shoreline looks to be too high for Provincetown but may be the Newport area.

Note that the flag staff and flag have not been removed so this may have been a dive made for publicity purposes, down and back up again. It is definitely a test dive as the "fish flag" is being flown from the number two periscope.

This photo was originally identified as the G-4 but the error was caught by Dave Johnston and brought to our attention.

This is a hand tinted picture of the G-2.

The bow of the USS G-2 as seen from the bridge. The date is unknown but could possibly be circa 1915 to 1919. There is little to no detail that could place the photo. She is possibly making a speed run of some sort.

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Sed aliquam velit cursus elit egestas, vitae rhoncus diam iaculis. Phasellus placerat, risus a commodo rutrum, mi justo ornare leo, at euismod orci est vel arcu.